correspondência 2 [correspondence 2]
9 November to 21 December 2024
correspondência 2 is part of correspondências
Cycle of three collective exhibitions from August 2024 to 2025, with fellow artists Ernesto Bonato, Feres Khouri, Margot Delgado, Kika Levy, Arnaldo Battaglini, Salete Mulin, Márcio Périgo, Mário de Fiori, and Ulysses Bôscolo de Paula in dialogue with the work of artist Maria Villares.
Participating artists: Salete Mulin, Arnaldo Battaglini, Maria Villares, Ernesto Bonato and Kika Levy
Photo: Alexandre Preuss
São Paulo – SP
correspondência 1 [correspondence 1]
17 August to 26 October 2024
correspondência 1 is part of correspondências
Cycle of three collective exhibitions from August 2024 to 2025, with fellow artists Ernesto Bonato, Feres Khouri, Margot Delgado, Kika Levy, Arnaldo Battaglini, Salete Mulin, Márcio Périgo, Mário de Fiori, and Ulysses Bôscolo de Paula, in dialogue with the work of artist Maria Villares.
Participating artists: Margot Delgado, Ernesto Bonato, Feres Khoury and Maria Villares
Photo: Matheus Parizi
Espaço Nexus
São Paulo – SP
Esplendor [Splendour]
13 July to 10 August 2024
Collective exhibition with 14 artists between 20 and 80 years-old
Casa do Jasmin Arte
Rua José Maria Lisboa, 1145
São Paulo – SP
Flor e pedra [Flower and stone]
11 November 2023 to 13 January 2024
Solo exhibition curated by Fernando Stickel.
Works from 1995 to 2023
Espaço Fundação Stickel
Rua Nova Cidade, 195
São Paulo SP
Tecendo o tempo [Weaving time]
13 November 2019 to 31 January 2020
Maria Villares opens her individual exhibition “Weaving Time” on Wednesday, 13 November, at 6 p.m., in the exhibition space at the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin (BBM), University of São Paulo (USP). Maria exhibits some 40 works in various sizes, supports and techniques that make up the “Nexus” series begun in 2001 though today this word has gained a dimension that encompasses the way the artist produces and relates to her own work and consequently to time (the basis of her creations). Maria called this large series “Nexus” because in Latin “Nexus” means knot, weave or wrapping like a network, which describes what is present in her work.
The works are weaves woven in nylon and polypropylene, watercolours, objects, drawings and collages in mixed media that use diverse materials such as lead, steel, PVC, raffia, rice paper and carbon paper prints on polyester arranged in homologous groupings according to the various phases of the artist’s life, which interchange seamlessly and permeate the past in the present.
Maria has been working with a strategy that has been common to many artists since the 1960s, namely a series or development of ideas or themes with titles. “Nexus” is the name of the 2001 series, based on Maria’s observation of spider webs covered in dew against the morning light, of the location of the universal in the particular, and of cocoons woven with nylon threads. It also represents the synthesis of many past series and of incessant searches in the art world, literally casting into space the duration of imagined time or even the construction of metaphors based on her memories. “It is from this time that the materials weave the spaces, whether large or small, which are appropriate for the process of artistic achievement”, adds Luiz Armando Bagolin, whose curation emphasizes the link between the sets and subsets present in the Maria’s work and the dissolution of the perception of space conditioned by physical time.
Technical Details
Curation: Luiz Armando Bagolin and Fabricio Reiner
Collection management, production and assembly: Andrea Angulo
Lighting design: Fernanda Carvalho
Lighting assistant: Luana Alves
Catalogue graphic design: Stella Villares
Photographs: Milton Galvani
Revision: Lilian Correa
Printing: Pancrom
Biblioteca Brasiliana Mindlin Rua da Biblioteca, s/n
Cidade Universitária – São Paulo/SP
Cenário Provisório Arte Rupestre na Caatinga
[Provisional Scenario Rock Art in the Caatinga]
9 August 2018 to 31 March 2019
Exhibition of paintings by Maria Villares
Curated by Ana Angélica Albano
Talk by Dalton Sala
Photographs by Tiago Sala
Presentation by Maria Alice Milliet
Espaço Nexus – São Paulo/SP
Paper MADE
9 to 13 August 2017
Pavilhão da Bienal, Ibirapuera, São Paulo/SP
Tão perto, tão distante [So Near, So Far]
11 February to 18 March 2017